Woman sues supplement brand after husband Not giving you a break "He doesn't let me sleep anymore."
Annete Simpson decided to sue the laboratory responsible for the ErecPrime supplement after noticing unexpected changes in her husband's behavior. According to her, the supplement, marketed to improve performance and vitality, had a surprising effect: her husband gained an energy and enthusiasm he had never shown before. He began waking up early to exercise, working extra hours, and, in addition, seeking Annete multiple times a day for intimate moments. On some days, she claims, he approached her 4 to 5 times for intimacy.

The laboratory that manufactures the supplement, known for offering benefits similar to Viagra and Tadalafil, defended itself against the accusations by presenting evidence that the product is 100% natural and has no side effects.
By Samantha Dourado, g1 TV News

In the lawsuit, Annete states that the situation became unsustainable because, before her husband started taking the supplement, they could go months without intimacy, and she had grown accustomed to that routine. She argues that the product should contain a warning about potential behavioral changes, claiming the laboratory failed to communicate all possible effects of the supplement, which directly impacted her routine and peace.
“He had already used other medications for erectile dysfunction, but none of them had such an effect. He doesn't even let me sleep, he's always full of energy.”, The woman vented in an exclusive interview with TV Anhanguera.
On the other hand, her husband disagrees with his wife's complaints and says he has never felt so vigorous and full of energy. He emphasized that ErecPrime brought benefits not only to his sexual performance but also to his productivity at work and physical activity. Feeling healthier and more energetic, he considers the supplement an ally for well-being.Given these statements, the judge declared the laboratory free of any liability. In the ruling, he noted that ErecPrime is a natural product, has no known side effects, and, in addition to fulfilling its original purpose, contributes to consumers' quality of life and well-being.